S01.E14: True Colors - Mixed-ish

Poor Paul, it was really hard watching him be miserable while his mom goes on and on about how awesome her life is without ever apologizing or even acknowledging that she left him for several decades and only appeared now. Its a tough situation, because its understandable that being a lesbian in the 50s would

Poor Paul, it was really hard watching him be miserable while his mom goes on and on about how awesome her life is without ever apologizing or even acknowledging that she left him for several decades and only appeared now. Its a tough situation, because its understandable that being a lesbian in the 50s would be really hard and that she would want to leave a marriage that could never really make either of them happy, but...she still seemed to leave Paul without ever looking back when he was a kid, and that must have hurt. Glad that they seemed to come to more of an understanding and she finally apologized and explained a bit more about why she did what she did. 

I can also understand Alicia wanting to give Bow all the birthdays she never got to have, but Bow is also 13, and most 13 year old girls arnt going to want clowns and matching clothes with their little sisters. Denise for the win!

I have no idea if people were that comically clueless about gay people in the 80s, but no one picking up on the increasing obvious about Paul's mom and her "companion" was hilarious.

